Wednesday 26 June 2013

The Garden Patch Granny Afghan: I'm Almost Done!

Guess what? After threading my needle thousands of times and after countless hours spent sewing squares together, my Garden Patch Granny Afghan is completely assembled!
You would not believe how excited I was to lay it out on the living room floor and see it all together. I actually had butterflies in my stomach.

I know it has been a long time since I updated you on this project, but really there was not much exciting to say...I was just sewing and sewing square after square together.

But the moment the sewing was done and I was able to stand back and marvel at the sea of grannies covering my floor, made all the hours I spent crouched over with a needle in my hand worth it. I am so happy with how it looks. It is just beautiful and I love it.

I have now removed all the papers and tags that I used to keep track of what went where, and have begun working on the edging. I am keeping the edging quite simple, a necessity I think since the blanket itself is so very busy.

I'm almost done and I am so excited!

(To read all the posts about this project, click the Garden Patch Granny Afghan box on the sidebar)


  1. Is beautiful, congratulations!

    I'm doing blue range

    Not write in English, I'm helping me with an online translator

    1. Thank you so much. I checked out your blog and was so excited to see that you are making the same blanket. I love the colors you have chosen. Thanks for reading.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  4. What a beautiful blanket and congrats that it is almost done!

    Thanks for sharing on the BeBetsy BRAG ABOUT IT. We'd love it if you would link back to us! Have a great Sunday!

    Sharon and Denise

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    1. Thank you so much. I am so excited to be nearing the end of this project. I have been working on it for a long time and can't wait to see it all done.

  5. Beautiful afghan. Love all the colors together!

    Navy Wifey Peters @ Submarine Sunday Link Party

  6. How did you sew all of the squares together? I am making a granny square one too.

    1. Hi Samantha,
      I sewed the squares together using the same color yarn as one of the squares. I held the right sides of the squares together and then working from the back, whip stitched through the top loop of the stitches from the last round. I find this method works very well and produces a nice, clean finish on the front. I hope this helps. If you have any other questions, please ask.
