Wednesday 6 November 2013

The Calm of Crochet

Last week was busy - too busy. I felt as if I was running on a hamster wheel everyday, with not a second to spare, no time to stop for if I did something would not get done on time or at all. It was not fun. I do not like frantic busy like that....occupied yes, but run off my feet from morning to night is not my idea of a good time.

I woke up on Saturday with the same panicked feeling I had in my stomach all week, like there was something I needed to rush off and do. But instead of running to the next task, I simply sat for a few minutes with a coffee and my crocheting. I crocheted for 15 minutes while I sipped my coffee. And it did wonders. I could not believe how quickly and noticeably a sense of peace and calm came over me. Of course I have experienced this before, but not as pronounced as I did in this moment.

The rest of my day went so much better, tasks got finished and I felt so much more at peace.
I've read before that a good hobby is cheaper than therapy...and as I sat and worked away, feeling calmer with each stitch, I experienced that to be true. Thank you crochet for the calm you bring to my days.

On a somewhat related note, I was rummaging through my yarn stash this past weekend and was quite taken aback by how small it is becoming. All the blankets and toys I have been making lately has really made a significant dent. Maybe I should have gone to the local yarn sale this past summer....oh well, less justification will be needed for extravagant purchases next year.

Have a happy Wednesday.


  1. It's so easy to get caught up in making sure everything gets done and forgetting to take time for ourselves. I know I do it too. Thanks for the reminder to take some time for myself.

    1. You're welcome. I need this reminder myself all the time: to go have a coffee and take a moment to relax and rejuvenate. Thanks so much for reading.

  2. Crochet really is relaxing, isn't it? Here's my take on it: Patience?

    1. Yes it is. And it has helped me deal with some very stressful situations. Thanks for reading.
      I read your post (Patience?) and I love it.

  3. I understand completely how you feel and get that all the time! When I am stressed out I like to knit or crochet, it calms me too! I am going to follow your blog and I hope you will follow me back too! Congrats on hoe feature on brag about it party! �� Julie at

    1. Thank you Julie. There has been so much written about the calming nature of knitting and crocheting - it is really amazing to experience the feeling yourself. Thanks for following along.

  4. I too agree that crocheting or knitting is very calming. I do a lot of crochet and knitting this time of year and it is very relaxing to me.

    1. Thanks for visiting Kimberlee. Happy crocheting and knitting!
