Tuesday 23 May 2017

Not Crocheting, but Gardening

I have not touched a crochet hook or any yarn in the last three weeks, and truth be told I am getting a little twitchy, missing the calm and peace I get when I crochet. My problem is that I am at a loss of what to crochet. I started a blanket a while back but do not like how it is coming along and am a little stumped with what to do with it. I've been collecting patterns - I recently purchased this book with some birthday money, and this e-book on a whim one Friday night - but can still not decide what to make...

But all is not lost because instead of crocheting, I have been gardening.

This past weekend was a holiday weekend, with an extra day off work, so I was able to focus a little creative energy on the garden. The girls and I planted pots for on the deck and I planted all my herbs. There is nothing like fresh herbs right outside the back door, and I look forward to using them all summer long.
I also mulched the front garden and planted three yellow begonias. Our front garden is fairly low maintenance, but after a few years more mulch was definitely needed. I'm telling you, putting down mulch under some well established and large plants is not easy (maybe a little torturous) and my legs are still in agony today, four days later. (Let's not talk about what that may indicate about my physical stamina, okay?).
Never the less, the front garden looks amazing and the flowers and green herbs on the deck make me smile each time I look out the kitchen window. Next on the list is the vegetable garden which we should get planted this week....

I'm also determined to get a little crochet project going,  a little something small, just to get back into it....

A week with some gardening and crochet in the mix, should be a good one...


  1. Well done! Our weather has been warm and I planted Basil and a Sun Gold Tomato plant. Several weeks before I planted two red Begonia plants. Tomorrow I plan to go to my stitching group. I am crocheting a blue and white preemie blanket to be given to a baby in a local NICU...a little project :-) Wishing you a happy week!

    1. Sounds like you are having a lovely time in the garden and with your crafts. I love hearing what you are up to Gracie.
