Sunday 11 March 2018

March Intentions

Hello friends. I'm a little later with this post than I had planned, but better late than never.....
February certainly flew by, but in and among all the busyness of life I managed to fulfill some of the intentions that I set out at the beginning of the month. I did a minor clean out of my closet, getting rid of worn out clothes or ones that don't suit/fit. I baked a plant based dessert - Pistachio Coconut Bars - and they were delicious. We have a cottage booked for a week this summer, right on the lake, and I can't tell you how excited I am to sit by the water or on the porch and crochet. A financial goal of ours was reached. And I have made a few comfy additions to my crochet corner and spent some time tucked up there working on my latest project - the colorful stripes in the above photo.

As for my scarf pattern - it's out in the world, have you seen it?

Having set intentions in February and then having met them was incredibly satisfying for me, so I'm doing the same for March:
  • clean out the girls' closets
  • finish my Blooming Flower Cushion (it's going to be gorgeous!)
  • buy tulips
  • get summer camps organized for the girls
  • go for walks 
  • read two books
And I think I'll leave it at that...a manageable list.

What are your intentions for March? I'd love to hear. 


  1. Hello! I saw your post in 2013 about the nylotex. Can you tell me if you have ever found any? I'm looking for some right now and it seems like it's completely disapeared.

    1. I have not seen any Nylotex in the stores in years. I really have no idea at this time where to get some. Good luck, I hope you find some and can complete your project.

  2. Looking forward to seeing your Blooming Flower Cushion. I made one for my eldest DD a few years ago and have always intended to make another. I must start one soon as they are blooming marvelous. Love the colour choices of your blanket above, very bright and cheering xxx

    1. My Blooming Flower Cushion is coming along...and you're right, it is marvelous. Thanks for your kind words about my colorful blanket.

  3. I think your March plans look good. My plans for March are :-

    * Book hair cut

    * Exercises - 2 x daily stair rises (for tendon) - One day
    I'll dance again!

    * Repair a dog! (a knitted one) for a friend's child

    * Block - finished square

    * I'm reading - The Dream Catcher by Maria Barrett

    * I'm listening to - Summer at the Lake by Erica James

    * What's on the hooks or needles - Crochet square for
    'Weekend Stitches' and a washcloth.
    * I'm in the mood for cooking - Chocolate cake & Flapjack

    * Cleaning focus -
    The master bedroom, wardrobe, shower room...
    decluttering 15 mins daily in this area.

    All the best with your plans.
    Cathy x

    1. Cathy...thanks for sharing your March intentions. And for reminding me to book a haircut (though looking in the mirror should have also reminded me). Good luck with your plans...have a lovely day.
