Monday 10 November 2014

Today, Tomorrow

Last week I showed you two layouts from the spring (see here and here), and this week I have a winter layout to show you. I am trying to get caught up on my scrapbooking and am working on layouts as inspiration strikes rather than in chronological order.

Like last week, I played along with a sketch challenge over at The Memory Nest.

Here is the sketch:
And here is my layout:
There was a twist to this challenge as well - to use a mixed media element - which was both confusing and frustrating for me. At first I was not exactly sure what that meant, and a quick Google search brought up some lovely layouts that used a ton of supplies (paint, mists) that I do not have and was not really keen on buying. So I decided to do some heat embossing on my page, but for some reason when I used the heat gun, my paper got completely warped/wavy (has this happened to anyone else???) and I needed to make a dash to the store to get another sheet of gray cardstock.

So I abandoned the mixed media thing and stuck with what I know and love....clean and simple....while following this very fun sketch.

I did use a doily on my page as well as some gumdrops....
I love how I was able to use small amounts of patterned paper on this page. Because of this, I was able to use scrap papers from creating this layout for this one. This is why I can not throw any scraps never know when they will come in handy, the perfect thing for another project.

And even though I was not successful at including a mixed media element on my page, I was very excited to see what the other members of the Design Team did. Head over to The Memory Nest for some beautiful inspiration.


  1. Love this!
    Not only did you do a great job w/ the sketch but the color/PP combos are so "eye-catching"!

    1. Thank you so much. I am very happy with how this layout came together....
