Friday 2 March 2012

My Snip Jar

I have a little snip jar,
It sits in my craft space,
And when I have a snip of yarn,
I put it in this place.

My snip jar is not fancy,
It only cost a dime,
But it pretties up my craft space;
I'm so glad that it's mine.

When I see the snips of color,
Lying in this pretty jar,
It helps me to remember,
Projects made so far.

I remember making monkeys,
For my little girls.
And a blanket for my nephew;
Welcome to the world

I have a little snip jar,
It sits in my craft space,
And when I look upon it,
A smile is on my face.


  1. I just blogged about your snip jar... very inspiring!

    1. Jill,
      I love how you use your yarn snips to stuff toys. I need to give that a try.
