Thursday 3 January 2013

Qualicraft Nylotex Score

Quite a while ago I shared with you how I use Qualicraft Nylotex to cover wire hangers. I also mentioned how I was unable to find Nylotex in any of my local craft stores and was running a little low on the stash that I built up years ago.

Well, I recently scored a bunch of Nylotex from a source close to home. On Christmas Day, my Oma came over and brought with her a bag of this coveted material that she had found in her closet while cleaning things up. And she asked if I wanted it, which of course I did. I have now added these five full balls to my stash.
I still have bundles of wire hangers in the basement that need covering, and with these new colors to work with, I may just cover a few.

Moral of the story: ask your grandmother if she has any Nylotex squirreled away somewhere. You may just get lucky.

Happy Hanger Covering!


  1. Hi Rachel,
    Just found your blog as I was searching for nylotex. Would you be willing to share your source for the yarn? I live in Ontario, Canada, and can't seem to find it anywhere....
    Any help would be much appreciated!

    1. Sharlene,
      I know what you mean. Qualicraft Nylotex is difficult to find and if it were not for the stash I have from years ago, and the new balls I got from my grandmother, I would be on the hunt for it as well. I have not seen Nylotex in any craft stores, but I have heard that it is available for sale on Ebay and Etsy. While I have not tried these sources myself, you may want to check there. Good luck and thanks for reading.

    2. The Etsy and Ebay are horendous prices, like $45 to $75 for a few balls!! It's no longer available in stores under Nylotex, anyway.
      I am looking for a slipper pattern as I have a few balls in my stash too.

  2. You Can find some at Les textiles G.D.Beaudoin Inc.

  3. I just picked up 9 balls of nylotex material at the local Goodwill store. Lt Green, Dk Green, Pink, White, and 5 balls of purple. I am crocheting an oval rug with them. Got them for $1 Cdn each.

    1. Great find! Have fun making your rug. Thanks for reading.

  4. Do you have a pattern or photo of the covered hangers? I just "inherited" a dozen or more balls of this...might make my fave slippers that normally use 2-strands of worsted held together...thanks for the tip on the fingers-issue!

    1. Hi Evelyn,
      I don't have a pattern for the covered hangers, but there is a photo of them in this post
      I have seen slippers made with this material and they look gorgeous...good luck with your project.

  5. Sorry - forgot to click "notify me..."

  6. Thank you for the feedback. Now that I realize the hangers are braided, that lets me out, but I am going to try the slippers. I'lllet folks know how they turned out - won't be for a while, though...

  7. Did you use up all your Nylotex? I am needing some. Thank you
