Wednesday 16 April 2014

My Yarn Stash

My current stash of yarn fits in one bin. In fact, the bin is only about half full.

This one bin is a far cry from a few years ago when I had three bins of yarn and I needed to sit on the lids in order for them to close.

I have been working quite diligently to whittle down my stash....trying to make things with what I have. My hobby, after all, is to crochet, not to simply collect yarn.

Now don’t get me wrong, a stash can be very handy – some place to turn when you need a small amount of a certain color to finish up a project, or an odd ball to use for making a small gift – but three bins stuffed to the gills seemed like a lot to me.
I am finding it a fun challenge to use what I have on hand for projects. 

And between you and me, I am determined to make the most of my stash so that when I go to the local yarn sale this summer I can indulge in a few (maybe more) guilt-free yarn purchases.

Working from my stash and planning to add to it...that is where I am at.

What about you? How big is your yarn stash? Is it shrinking or ever- expanding?


  1. Hi Crafty Cucumber! I have 3 large bins filled up too and I'm trying to use up yarn from stash also. I just finished knitting a men's scarf and I'm crocheting vibrant colored dishcloths. Have fun using up you yarn.
    Julie at Julie's Lifestyle

    1. Thanks Julie. It is fun to think of projects to do using yarn I have...and over time I have used up a lot of yarn. Thanks for stopping by.
