Wednesday 28 January 2015

Three Things

January can be a tough month. It is cold outside, often dreary, and spring seems so far off. It is this time of year when I really struggle....the lack of sunshine has that effect, and so I do believe that a three things post is in order to help me notice and appreciate the bits of happiness that surround me.

Three things that are making me smile this week:

Purple flowers on my kitchen table.
My blanket. Those stripes are so calming to crochet. I'll do a post on my progress soon.
This arrangement of pretty and favorite things on the front hall dresser.
How are you coping with January? And what is making you smile this week?


  1. Love this idea of sharing three things each month. Am thinking of doing the same on my blog, would this be ok with you? Naturally I'll credit you with the idea. And as for January - speeding by, chilly but some sunshine to hint at the Spring to come and cosying up on the settee as much as possible.

    1. Jane, I would be completely okay if you wanted to share "three things" on your blog as well. I am truly flattered that you love this idea so much. Glad that January is speeding by for you and that you are getting a chance to stay cozy.
