Friday 20 February 2015


I have been doing a little bit of journaling. I’ll write more on this soon, but suffice to say it is both therapeutic and fun.
This journal is from Gadanke.

I have conquered the clutter. I purge on a fairly consistent basis, but every once in a while a major sort through is needed, especially of the girls’ toys and my craft supplies. Having fewer things helps me to see what I have more clearly and leaves my mind more settled and open to new creative ideas. There are so many ideas bouncing around my head right now, just clamoring to get out. Having gotten rid of so much stuff, I feel like I need to question a little more closely the things that I do bring into the house from now on.....

I have been cooking. Working full time while taking care of the home is quite the task (I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that) so every once in a while I set aside a day to ‘get some cooking done’. I spent nearly seven hours (what!!???) in the kitchen on Monday and made soup, a casserole, baked a cake, and got a crock pot of oatmeal ready. Sitting down to work on my cozy stripe blanket in the evening was heavenly and well deserved.
What have you been up to lately?


  1. WOW!! You have been busy!! That's a lot of cooking!! :)

    1. Indeed I have. But it really feels good to be ahead of the game.

  2. Seven hours of cooking! Well you get my medal for organisation. Bet you nearly fell asleep while crocheting.

    1. Ha Ha. Thanks for the laugh, Jane. I did manage a few stitches, even though I was quite tired. I did not cook for the rest of the week though, so that made it worthwhile.
