Wednesday 31 August 2016

Snippets of Me

Every once in a while I get out my SMASH book and add a few things. I'm not sure how popular these books are anymore - I got mine at a scrapbooking show several years ago where they were being flaunted and demonstrated everywhere you turned - but that is not really important, is it? For me, I love how this book is casual and quirky, how the whole philosophy behind it is to just put stuff inside - stuff that you love, words that inspire you, pictures that makes you smile, mementos that make you happy - what is not to love about that?

This time around I added a few pictures I took when I was deep in making my Cozy Stripe Blanket, and talked a little about why I love to crochet:
I also wrote down some of my favorite quotes:
And finally, this page, featuring a smiling horse and a gorgeous photo I took of a Dahlia when we were in Halifax last summer.
The pages are random, there is really no rhyme or reason to things other than that this is a place where I can record snippets of me. I made an "about me" page last year and really enjoyed reading it again now as I flipped through my book; so happy for a glimpse into who I was and what I was feeling then.

I have a few other page ideas for this book, mainly one with all the memorabilia I saved from when Steve and I were dating. I think it would be fun to get it all out of the shoe box and arrange it whimsically on these pages...not to mention, what a trip down memory lane that would be.

It feels so good to take this time for myself, to sip a cup of tea and record what I am feeling, who I am, my favorite memories, my deep and silly thoughts, get my story down on the page, even if that page also has a smiling horse on it.....

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