Friday 27 March 2015

Three Things

Three things that have made me smile this week:

The girls went to an art workshop and made these adorable little princesses out of clay. I love the attention to detail and how proud they are of their work.
The snow is melting in the backyard. Seeing the gardens almost free of snow has got me thinking about what vegetables and herbs I want to plant this summer. Summer dreaming.
Beautiful flowers given to me by a sweet neighbor.
Hope there have been lots of smiles in your week.

Have a great weekend.


  1. Love the adorable little princesses your girls created!!!

  2. So jealous of the snow! That looks like enough for a snowman or snowballs!

    1. You should have seen all the snow we had...I could not even open the patio door and the snowbanks on the side of the driveway were taller than my two girls.
