Tuesday 22 December 2015

When Will I Ever Learn?

"It is strongly suggested that you darn in your ends as you go along"

Sound advice that I regrettably did not heed.

I'm joining in the Winter Project Link Party at Thistlebear.   


  1. Hi Rachel, thanks for joining in with my link party. Oh, I know all about those ends. What a pain. I hope you're having a good week.

    1. Thank you Jennifer. I always vow to sew in my ends as I go, but then ignore my better judgement and leave them until the end....when will I learn?

  2. Oh dear. I can feel your pain with all of those ends...... I love the colours!

    1. It was a chore sewing in all the ends, but a good day hunkered down on the sofa, armed with a cup of tea, and I got them dealt with...

  3. Hi Rachel! I think those loose ends make a pretty fringe at least for
    now :) A few months ago I was visiting a far away friend and she put a gorgeous white lacy blanket on my bed and apologized because she had not yet woven in the loose ends. She is a whiz at sewing and has made all kinds of clothes for me over the years. She allowed me to weave in the ends on her blanket while we sat and visited, and I found that I really enjoyed being able to do it. So I am cheering you on whenever you decide to weave in all those ends, and I hope you can enjoy the process. I haven't commented on your blog recently, but have been enjoying reading your posts and your new year thinking about living mindfully. I wonder if your girls would enjoy learning how to weave in the ends? Their paper fashions are very clever, by the way! xx

    1. Thank you for sharing this story...how beautiful that you were sitting there visiting with your friend and sewing in the ends on her blanket...I love it. I really appreciate your sweet comments in this space...thank you.
